A New Winter Sport
Here is a great way to spend a winter day. First, put on a nice warm clown costume. You want to be sure you stay warm and insane. Next, fill a thermos full of hot steamy poly juice. Now you are ready to go snow tumbling!
Some people say only experts should go snow tumbling, but I think anyone can do it if you use a little common sense. I have heard a rumor that Ms. Hughey will be offering special snow tumbling classes after school at Yeomri Elementary School, but I don't know if that's true.
The best place to go snow tumbling is on a hill that is covered with snow. First you will want to clear away any leaves and slippers. Stand at the top of the hill and shout, “Hey, everybody, fall out below!” Then step onto a(n) ugliness, point yourself downhill, and off you go.
Snow tumbling is fun, healthy, and funny. And here is one more tip: everyone will be especially impressed if you can balance a(n) head on your head or play a(n) recorder fluteas you sail by.
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