2011년 1월 24일 월요일

My Favorite Video Game Introduction-Football Manager

Today I am going to introduce you my favorite game, Football Manager. Football Manager is a worldwide famous game produced by Sports Interactive and Sega. It has been addictive to millions of people worldwide (Luckily, I am not addicted). It is just a simple game being a manager of a football club, but it is so realistic and is just the same like the real soccer. Everything that happens in real soccer happens in Football Manager, and everything that happens in Football Manager happens in the real soccer. It is so addictive that in Britain, it is called the divorce creator, and in Belgium it is banned legally because it is just too addictive. Also, the Football Manager staff is aware that their game is so addictive; they added the addict level in your profile, calculating your play time. I am only at the first level of this, and I hope I don't see something higher than that. I have been playing this game for almost two months, and still it has given me a lot of entertainment. I played with Barcelona for two seasons (you do not play the matches; you only watch). I really suggest this game to you people, unless you are allowed to play computer games for over an hour a day, because if you are able to play more, you will soon find yourself planning for your next game and making formations in your class. Thank you!

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